Source Code


scene kids:

-have a Myspace page
-upload 769507pictures of them fully photoshopped their page
-have their Myspace name as alliteration, normally involved in brutality, eg. CLAIRE CARNAGE<333
-all claim to be different,but most of them are clones
-have normally blonde or black hair,with coons or extensions
-backcomb their hair, with a bow in it
-boys would wear make up
-have 'xxxxxxxxxx' in their screen names
-mostly bisexual or say they are
-have about 05878piercings on their face,Mostly look ridiculous on girls but sometimes look alright (eg. monroe,bridge,septum,nose, eyebrow, snakebites, tongue etc)
-girls wear false eyelashes, extensions, tons of black eye make up
-just say they like the latest 'scene' bands cus they wanna be in with the trend
-have big essays on their Myspace page
-go to hardcore gigs just to be with friends and 2 step
-mostly like post hardcore or screamo,sometimes like rap as well
-wear skinny jeans and nike clothing
-have each side of their hair a different colour
-have little phrases like 'kthxbai','hiiii bby', 'fer sure; and 'ZOmG $000 8R00T4L!!'
-obsessed with hello kitty
-obsessed with oli sykes,only like BMTH cus he's 'zomg hot!'
-because of this they turn vegetarian or vegan
-own vast ammounts of drop dead clothing
-have an annoying style of writing, for example but about 30 three's on love-hearts (<33333333333333)
-have lots of band shirts and dinosaur shirts
-wear bat and hello kitty jewellery
-either straight edge or not edge,depending on the scene crowd they go with
-have about 67893456797 friends on their Myspace but only talk to about 2 of them (this makes it go to their head and they start to get cocky as they think their famous, they get vainer and vainer and more fake,and talk about how great they are 'i'm rad yo')
-infact, they couldn't live without a Myspace

little scene wannabes gossiping:

HAnnAH HOMOCiDE: Like ZOMG did U see that new hXc band last night?

SarahSCENESTER: Zomg yerrr they were totally RAD!

HAnnAH HOMOCiDE: I know, right!? What did you think of the totally hot Awesome lead singer,I actually touched him ZOMG !He is like so scene!

SarahSCENESTER: REALLY?! You touched the lead singer? HAnnAH HOMOCiDE you are like totally my new Heroe,After Oli Sykes of course. EEEks I gotta go,My mom's here ,I'll see you tomorrow thx 4 the lift!

HAnnAH HOMOCiDE: kthxbai! <33333333333333

by xxbambixx February 10, 2008

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