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Yo maaam

Bob “dammmmm she’s thicc”
Jeff “ oh yeah that’s my maaam”

by xxd thiccboi August 4, 2019


A word to just say all the time

A word to say when you want yeet

by xxd thiccboi August 4, 2019

1👍 1👎


Yo bum

Bob “dammmm that’s thicc”
Jeff “cus it’s an anus”

by xxd thiccboi August 4, 2019


A surprisingly addicting game where you have the freedom to yeet around the place and die from a zombie... is coming back

Bob “did you see minecraft is coming back..?”
Jeff “yeah I played it this morning..!”

by xxd thiccboi August 4, 2019


The biggest anus you will ever meet and is sometimes kind but other times will kick you in the shins and give you a big bruise. You do not want to mess with wild Persephone aka Percy.

Bob “did you see that wild girl attack an innocent girl?”
Jeff “yeah that was Persephone /Percy”

by xxd thiccboi August 4, 2019


When your not in the mood to talk

Bob “hey jeff”
Jeff “ehh”

by xxd thiccboi August 4, 2019

8👍 5👎