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A creepy girl who is obsessed with someone to the point of insanity and you will always see them doing one of the followings, eg. hiding behinds wall, cars, bushes, shop.

I didn't really know why would there be people who stalk others until I became one. I was a stalker when I was in middle school. There was this guy whom I thought was really hot, handsome. He was attractive in so many ways so I decided to stalk him. I found at the his favourite place after school was at a shopping mall so I went there with my friends hoping to catch him hanging around there. A stalker would appear to be very creepy, they will be hiding behind walls, cars, and many places and the stalker would use many kinds of ways just to know where their victim live, their phone number and where they are going.

by xxthedefinitionwriterxx May 18, 2013

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