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Brain dumping

Act in which an individual releases any bad feelings, traumas, events that marked his life in a bad way or other situations towards another person, usually friends or close people. Typically, brain dumping gets used to release anger, sadness, etcetera.

Person 1: Usually when things go to best to worse, I log on forums full of people I don't know and start brain dumping all over people that don't know me and make them my therapists.

Person 2: Fuck you saying.

by yappestyapper July 20, 2023


Shortening for the band name my bloody valentine, a dream pop, shoegaze and rock band formed in the 1980s.

- Damn mbv is for such depresso kiddos haha! the real sad music comes to Beach House! - says as their caffeiner personality makes them scream every minute and make 10 tweets per second.

by yappestyapper August 14, 2023

5👍 1👎


Diminutive of "pareja" ('couple' in Spanish), it's a slang term sometimes used in schools or universities, usually referring to a couple for one of both reasons:

1. It can refer to a couple that's annoying, boring or controversial, usually recognizing it for being a toxic relationship or just unstable in anyway.

2. It refers to a couple that is not what has been said in the definition before, in any case, just being a stable relationship.

In most cases a "parejita" can change from definition 2 to definition 1 over time.

- 'Esa parejita de allá es muy molesta, oí que el chico se fue con Laura, ¿por qué siguen juntos si tanto van de swingers?'
- 'Why am I the only person you talk in Spanish to?'

by yappestyapper April 29, 2024



Customer: Uhhh, I'd like extra guac in my burrito, please.
Chipotle cashier: Sure thing! -does everything but add extra guac-

by yappestyapper August 31, 2023


A Spanish slang term, it's adjective that describes when someone or something is awesome.


by yappestyapper September 15, 2024