Northern Valley is a large group of towns in Norht Eastern New Jersey (The Armpit of America) Northern Valley mostly consists of mid-upper class residents, Has two Schools, Norhtern Valley Regional High School at Old Tappan (the better of the two) and Norther Valley Regional High Scholl at Demarest (The more problematic peice of Northern Valley). Out of the two, NVRHSOT has a better educational system, while it has a VERY Shitty social surrounding.
Continuing on, Most of the NV Population consists of White people, or Asian people.
Northern Valley has many towns, the major and most known towns are Old Tappan, Demarest, Norwood, Norhtvale, Closter, Harrington Park, and others, but that's just to name a few major ones.
anyways, just put it this way,
Northern Valley is full of asshats.
And If you want your kids to get a good education, put them in NVOT.
Northern Valley D Totally sucks balls, so many fucking drug addicts there.
Northern Valley OT has so many asshole kids there. but a great educational system.
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