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Xe-ni-a, /sen-nyah/, /zen-yah/

-a female given name

1. n: is a name given to beautiful creature made by the creator (a human being) esp. a woman, who is exceptionally attractive, ethical-spontaneous-impulsive minded, understanding, witty and smart.

2. n. (a sister of the greek goddess LEIE) is the greek concept of hospitality, or generosity, and courtesy shown to those who are far from home. syn: guest-friendship, kind-hearted, ideal, socialite.

3. n. the influence or effect of genes introduced by pollen esp. on endosperm and embryo development; as a seed or a fruit.

1. I will name her xenia, because she is my daughter and she will be whom xenia is.

2. Persona non-grata is a violation of xenia.

3. Xenia effect is the enrichment or fecundation of X and Y chromosomes.

by yin-yang 037 October 18, 2010

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