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I have nothing against long hair,pot or good music.
However I have a huge fucking problem with satanistic,new age,communistic/socialistic thinking and leftist politics being shoved up my ass so far that I don't know whether to shit or go blind.Face it,we're talking about radical leftwingers here just like we have today in the mainstream of the Democratic party which moved to the radical left under Bill "the antichrist" Clinton a.k.a. "bubba the Arkansas pigfucker"..These motherfcuker actually want to TELL YOU what to think and even tried to institute "proper speach" called "political correctness" and while shoving their bullshit ideology up your ass like an fascist act of anal rape!All while eroding the fuck out of your rights and borders which Bush,following Clinton's lead/example,is still continuing doing.SO I guess Bush is also a fuckin hippie.

Hippies suck fuckin balls man.Nancy Reagan was a fuckin hippie cunt.

by you all lick anus ,ya friggin fags....... September 30, 2005

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