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james river high school

a factual description of jrhs. james river high school, often called simply "river", is a small-town school in the boondocks of botetourt county, virginia. known county-wide as your local shithole, this is a gathering for the rednecks in lifted trucks, shouting their mating call "yee-yee", as they scout their natural habitat. the rival school is lord botetourt high, known for it's whores and snobs. (side note: please God will yall accept this as a definition. if you dont then youre a total asswipe.)

Redneck: Down hur in the holler is whur yall find gud ol james river high school. YEE YEE I LOVE 'MURICA TRUMP 2020
Literally everyone else:

by your fellow yee-yee-er October 4, 2019

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