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Urban Dictionary

Urban Dictionary is only for people with low self esteem to search up their own name and feel happy when it says something good about them. Some people go on to Urban Dictionary to search up something funny like pineapples. Pretty much no one goes on it for the intended reason the people made this site, to search up a slang just to figure out why people laugh when you say you need wood.

'Yo, have you been on urban dictionary?'
'yeah, have you searched up my name on it?'
'nah, I like searching up pineapples because it's funny'

by your mum 69 21 May 8, 2019


You probably searched up eggplant looking for funny things about penises, but too bad, an eggplant is a vegetable and that's all it is

'Ha ha, eggplant.'
'Shut fuck up, an eggplant is a vegtable'

by your mum 69 21 May 8, 2019

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