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Palos Verdes

a.k.a. PV

1. a city where all the moms are PTA members and gossips with each other, and all the dads are in a biking gang. They all wear matching Live Strong shirts, biking pants, and helmets. All of the kids no longer drive Beamers and Mercedes because it is not the cool thing to do anymore. No, instead they drive raised trucks with refurbished sound systems bumpin some gangster/ old school rap because reggae just went out of style.

2. the "chill" school on the hill where students attend because Pen is too ghetto for them, or just has too many Asians. That's not to say asians aren't cool. It's just that it makes RICH white kids feel like the minority, and RICH white kids don't like to feel that way (actually, its usually just because of proximity or friends but definitely has earned the name chill school); Goes by the block system; hasn't had a fake bomb scare yet by fake arabs who think they are hard as opposed to Pen

3. gang sign associated with the Red Tide; not commonly used. Mostly by faggot freshmen who think they are better than Pen kids usually because they have no friends from Pen or just friends in general

1. Let's go to Palos Verdes--the city where kids think they are the shit, moms are embarrassing gossiping cunts, and dads who think they are going to be the next Lance Armstrong!

2. PV Kid: PV is the shit!
West kid: go home you rich ass PV kid!
PV Kid: Yo! Don't be jealous cuz your dad works for my dad!

3. PV Freshman: *throws up gang sign* PV PRIDE!

by your_friendly_PV_goer January 11, 2010

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