Source Code

Outhouse Wi-Fi

In rural America, your modem’s connection to the outside world is only as great as your plumbing solution for nature’s calling: antiquated and slightly sh**ty.

(Rural) Player A: My WiFi’s actin’ up tonight, dagnabit!
(City) Player B: Your “Outhouse Wi-Fi” costing us this match, dude!

* As a predicate, it isn’t necessarily exclusive to rural U.S. players; can be used to describe poor-quality internet connections.

by yourpalVanguard February 21, 2021

Outhouse WiFi

In the middle of nowhere, your modem’s

connection to the outside world is only as great as your plumbing solution in rural America, or hillbilly country: antiquated and slightly shitty.
- Typically serves as a noun or adjective to describe a high-ping and/or high-packet-loss —connection to city-based server domains.

Rural Boy: My G**damned connection is actin’ up tonight! I’ll be on the roof a minute.

City Boy: Sounds like you’re suffering from Outhouse WiFi, my man.

(Outhouse-quality gaming)

by yourpalVanguard February 19, 2021