Lucy is a kind, loving, and loyal friend. Shes very insecure about herself, (body specifically) though others would love to be her. Shes quiet in school, but with friends shes pretty talkative. Usually an extroverted introvert, meaning she loves hanging out with friends but she'd rather stay home. Lucy's usually suffer from some sort of parent issues, either mommy issues or daddy issues. Lucy always tries to be happy in front of her friends, even when shes not. She hides her pain. She usually only openly talks to one friend about personal things. As Lucy gets older she slowly realizes that having a smaller group of friends that you're closer with is better than having a huge group of friends you're not as close with. Easily makes friends, and is definitely a middle child. Lucy is pretty, making her more appealing to guys. Over-all lucy is a great person, but she has some really bad things to say about herself.