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The City Associates

A fancy group of characters that were inspired by The Days Union, who were conceived due to DU going on hiatus. Some of the major characters have ROBLOX accounts.

(They are NOT affiliated with the DU, and have made it clear in their discord server.)

P1; Hey, have you heard of the City Associates?
P2; yea, they're cool.

by yuyukolo May 4, 2023

Welcome Home

Welcome Home is a Horror Unfiction Project by PartyCoffin, also known on TWITTER as 'Clown.' It recently got Popular due to youtuber Night Mind making a video on it trying to find the secrets in the website, which gained Welcome Home many fans.

Person 1: Hey, Have you heard of Welcome Home?
Person 2: Yea! It's very colorful.

by yuyukolo May 4, 2023


the creator of the games Vincent: The Secret of Myers, Therapy with Dr. Albert Krueger, and MORFOSI. Recently went on a hiatus to pursue academic dreams of computer science.

p1: hey have you heard of dino999z?
p2: yea didn't that person make the dinoverse games
p1: yup

by yuyukolo November 23, 2022


a famous tiktoker known for being in many fandoms such as FNAF, BSD, and PJSK. they are quite the laugh if you ask me!
his new username is "Theflightoreality".

Person 2: " ya they are funny "

by yuyukolo March 18, 2023