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Cockpit Dingle Diver

When a womans vag is so loose you physically fall into her void

"Are you sure youre a virgin Virginia Mae?"
"Why yes I am Gregory"
(Spreads legs, inserts tip but falls into the void)
"Why....HOT DAMN woman! You tryna kill me? Got damn Cockpit Dingle Diver in your crotch magnet"

by z4120 March 20, 2017


A flamboyant individual or group of young flamboys who exhilirate left winged behavior and walk with a stick up their ass.

"Hey Jimmy Bob you see that there yuppie inside that lil ol' buildin'"

"Yup, the one with his undergarments zipped up his asscrack"

Yuppie: "Hello my kind sssssir, lend you a hand may I with inserting those books into your dewey decimal system"
Yuppie 2: "Why, thank you ssssir, just watch out you don't tip forth my white chocolate grande mocha I purchased, or that will be all my moneys worth my paycheck from the fine water painting gallery art institute"

by z4120 March 20, 2017