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Stupidity of epic proportions that has a totally uncool/ undesired effect.

Such as systematic and creatively planned accounting fraud, known as the "Enron scandal".

A scandal that was really uncool for the 22,000 employees who subsequently lost their jobs due to the actions of greedy piggies.

Maz: "Skitt did you get my copy of Bayonetta for PS3 that I asked you to get me with my money?"

Skitt: "Yeah here you go..."

Maz: "Skitt you brought me Bayonetta for 360! And I also see you've managed to top yourself up on crack. You fucking jabron".

by zam ituokalam January 21, 2010

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Something that is horrific and officially sick at the same time.

Maz: "Henry omg please buy me this Pikachu knitted face hat it's so cool!"

Henry: "It's horrific! like Skitt's aggressive yeast infection."

Maz: "No way it's Hoffically cool!

Skitt: "Jesus my inflammation has spread to my back..."

Maz: "Henry told you to get antifungal medication but you were adamant on using butter."

by zam ituokalam May 19, 2010