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vikaasian point

Orthogonal intersection of infinity and uncountability that makes up space.

There are a countable number of vikaasian points in space.

(Space is Vikaasian.)

The countability of Vikaasian points in uncountable space means that myth has a structure or ontology.

by zanderfin November 6, 2019


Inference that the universe has existed forever.

Preformalism conjectures that the universe has existed for all time because infinity spins indefinitely-clockwise around infinity.

In contrast to preformatism which says space exists in uncountable-time (not ALL time).

by zanderfin April 7, 2020


Containing the information for the interior within the surface.

E.g., A pan-contiguous circle containing the information for reality-interior inside of its borders.

A geodesic shape contains the information for interior-shape within its borders. More accurately the geodesic shape contains representative (not functional) information for its limina (center).

by zanderfin December 7, 2019

Vikaasian superset

Circumstance of an uncountable number of lines being too crowded to arrange themselves laterally.

The forced radialization of an uncountable number of lines.

Vikaasian superset theory says reality is too crowded for lineal uncountability to assemble-in-parallel.

They must assemble around a center.

by zanderfin November 16, 2019


Paradigm in which time is the intersection of infinity^infinity and infinity.

Downstream from pan-nihilism.

Vikaasianism imagines uncountability and infinity as conformal lines; which intersect to make time.

by zanderfin November 5, 2019



The creation of language.

Paranoesis can be distinguished from mythopoesis, the creation of song; parapoesis, the creation of mythology; mythonoesis; the inception of proper nouns; metanoesis, the creation of limina; metapoesis, the freedom of will; and anthropoeis, the creation of social value.

Also: anthronoesis, the emergence of social theory.

by zanderfin December 10, 2019


Superfrequentism is a paradigm which proffers a 1-to-1 relationship between the infinite number of perimeter-points inside of a non-Tarski shape and the infinite number of perimeter-points outside of a skeuomorph.

Super-frequentism proposes a bijective relationship between the internalized perimeter-points of a non-Tarski space and the externalized perimeter-points of a skeuomorph.

by zanderfin November 10, 2021