zxcvbnmlpoiuytrewqasdfghjk but in ekrpat
qwerty: zxcvbnmlpoiuytrewqasdfghjk
dvorak: ;qjkxbmnlrcgfyp.,'aoeuidht
mnbvcxzzxcvbnmlkjhgfdsasdfghjkpoiuytrewqqwertyuiop!!!!!1 i cant even
a single letter that breaks urban dictionary
guy 1: searches "a" on this website
the website: Urban Dictionary is busy right now
guy 1: :angery:
ifunny .co/picture/tag-a-friend-and-if-they-dont-respond-um-minute-Na4ojfUF7
Spoiler: "Tag a friend and if they dont respond um minute they owe you a New Flyer Industries Electric Trolleybus E40LFR with a Å koda 19 ML 3550 K/4 Motor and a Lumitator Horizon LED Destination Sign set at 16 ARBUTUS"
6👍 3👎
you're so bored that