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tech date

Getting together with someone, usually of the opposite sex to help repair a computer or some similar technical device. Usually, nothing gets accomplished technically or sexually.

"Dude, I just went over to this chick's apartment to help her with her computer. I spent like 20 hours with the thing and it still doesn't work. I didn't get laid either."

"Oh, I don't go on tech dates anymore."

by zevg April 3, 2015

viagra commercial

An older man with a younger woman

He: "Look at that couple. She looks so much younger than him."
She: "A regular Viagra commercial"

by zevg February 5, 2016


Unjustly accusing someone of racism when the issue has nothing do to with race

"I think the Affordable Care Act is a bad idea."
"You're a racist!"
"What I said has nothing to do with race. What you are doing is called racialization.

by zevg December 22, 2020

thermostat compatible

when two people are both comfortable at the same indoor temperature

Her: One thing you should know about me, is that I need the temperature to be at least 75 °

Him: Me too! We are thermostat compatible.

by zevg April 24, 2012


Taking something that has absolutely nothing to do with race and make it about race.

Ken: I think the Iran Deal is dangerous
Julieta: You're a racist!
Ken: What I said had nothing to do with race. Stop racializing.
Julieta: You're a racist!

by zevg March 12, 2021

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Something worth sharing via social networks, such as Twitter or Facebook.

her (in status update): Is listening to two 20 something guys give each other relationship advice
him (in comment): Anything shareworthy?

by zevg December 17, 2013

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Someone who doesn't attend his own party or event

"Have you seen Morris? This is supposed to be his party but I don't see him anywhere."

by zevg September 1, 2022