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a person with a shiny face who likes to be miserable and boaring, consumption of alcohol is alwys limited and sensability is high. this is her explination for lack of boyfriends. A fran has the worst dress sence. Usual hang out is headingly becasue she has more hance of getting lucky when people can't see due to alcohol abuse. FRan defines miserable, fat ass, boaring bird. A fran orignates from the latin word " frankorch " a type of dull torch, romans used this as a type of lighting .

*fran is fuck face
*fran the man
*omg ur not drinking to night your such a fran
*can u see fran??? hold on theres a shine in the corner must be her.
*i dont need a tourch i have a fran
*don't be a fran be a goon its better.

by zoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee March 6, 2007

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