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An extremely loud human being, who likes to flex their skinny abs and talk about how big their chode is. Starts every sentence with "UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH". Always manspreads and wears the same cheap green Air Forces. Posts himself cutting down trees on Instagram.

Shut the fuck up. You're being such a Milo right now.

by ~Your pseudonym~ November 16, 2021


How it sounds when you say dick and balls in a funny tone quickly

Person 1: Liggon ma diggenbawls

Person 2: What?

by ~Your pseudonym~ August 3, 2023


Hit book written during English class popular amongst reddit users

Cool person 1: Damn bro, did you hear about the new hit book SUS-69?

Cool person 2: Hell yeah dude! It's lit as hell!

by ~Your pseudonym~ August 3, 2023