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The act of becoming a POW

In the Good the Bad and the Ugly, Eastwood gets POWed

by Sentinel Node April 4, 2006

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1. Prisoner of War

2. Pussy on Welfare

1. Jessica Lynch

2. Paying for sex in instalments

by GI Bro June 21, 2004

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hot, wild, fantastic

Baby got a booty go "POW!"

by Dingo October 7, 2003

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A term used to describe somebody who is so beneath you that it is hard to fathom

Dude you are such a powe.

by Assekickere April 4, 2018

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Puku puku pow pow

A sound made by Bruce lee
You can use it anywhere and everywhere

Taeyong dances beautifully while"Puku puku pow pow" is playing

by wOw sO sExYc January 20, 2021

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Puku puku pow pow

When you see the number 127 in the wild.

Also written as puku puku paw paw

I have 127 unread messages? Puku puku pow pow.

by PinkStripesAreCute March 21, 2022

pow pow ping

another term for cocaine mixed with baking soda or other wise known as crack

that sucka was wacked out on the pow pow ping

by Aduece July 7, 2006

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