Source Code

gn kp

When someone says they're going to sleep but they're actually not.

Kyle: I'm going to sleep.
Everyone: GN KP
Kyle: Queues up for ranked

by deeznuts48 October 12, 2018

1๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Kp sai rahul

A rat with zero loyalty

Drink kp Sai rahul poison

by Uradmirierg February 13, 2022

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Kimchi Per Second (KPS)

The relative speed at which a Korean girl moves. The numeric average is 24 KPS. Speeds may vary depending on the situation i.e. KPS may decrease if the Korean girl is drunk.

Dammit we will be late to the club because she is moving at a speed of 24 Kimchi Per Second (KPS)

by PandaJ22 January 13, 2015


KPS is (was) a school in WB, India. Once it was a good school, but now it is just a shell of its old self. Inside there are no teachers, so students (gangsters) visit there for doing drugs, as schools cannot be raided by the police. So people use the term KPS as a negative sense, just to offend a person, and to make them realise that they are not the same person they were in the past

If you don't listen to the elders, one day you would end like KPS

by Not from KPS January 6, 2024


a short way of saying Kingsville primary school, the best school ever only pretty people went there

my child goes to kps

by 2nhfcft November 23, 2021


I never expected you to be so bored that you reached this.
You tried finding new combinations of letters on your keyboard,
but you were too slow.

A: I tried typing wxsrvfynhi,kp/;o.lumjtbgecdqza on my keyboard to see if it existed yet, but someone beat me to it!
B: Cry about it its happened to me like a trillion times
A: Shut up you pigeon pistachio looking ahh bomboclat
B: *Calls mental asylum

by James Y toilet December 2, 2024

Kp Maxxing

When someone is aura farming constantly and tries really hard to be chill. Possibly Gay

"Look at that guy going to the bookstore by himself and telling everyone about it, he is Kp Maxxing."

by Saba Bahktiari January 11, 2025