TBH day. Try to be reall with someone and tel them how you really feel
“It’s November 13th”
“TBH day tell me something”
“Your ugly”
Look for Gummy Bear's album in the stores on November 13th!
Look for the Gummy Bear album in stores, on November 13th, with lots of music, videos, and extras!
November 13th is national ' ask a girl out day '
max c- poppy guess what day it is
poppy- november 13th?
max c- yeah november 13th, national ask a girl out day
poppy- sick r u gonna ask daisy out?
max c- yeah hear she comes
daisy- hey sexy
max c- wanna go out with me daisy?
daisy- ye sexy
november 13th is national smack a quinntin's ass day
f: hey yk what today is
q: no what is it
f: november 13th, national smack a quinntins ass day
q: oh no *smack*