Tell your crush you like them day
They can’t turn you down
On December 18 I told my crush I liked him/her.
National if you ask your crush out
They have to say yes
“Hey wanna go out”
“No i don't like you that way”
“To bad, its December 18”
Today’s the day where you either:
Tell your crush you like them,
Hold hands with someone, or
Do both!
Ted: today I have to tell Samantha I like her
Ted: It’s December 18!
Tom: Ohhhhhhh
burger: Uhm.. Where's my morning sloppy?
Frog: Is it December 18th?
burger: Yes!
Frog: Ugh fine, *gives sloppy*
My birthday bitcheessss❤
December 18 remember that wish me on that day
You struggle a lot on this day but it's fine because Shawols have your back💙
Bling bling is Jonghyun - December 18