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February 27

People born on this day are the best people you can be friends with. They are there for you when you need them and the keep secrets very well.
People born on this day are funny and charming

Hey you know what day it is?
Yeah, february 27. Why?
Well I'm the best type of friend you can have.

by Thequotegirl October 16, 2019

90๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

November 27

Only the hottest girls were born this day and you have to ask them out onthis day there the most good ppl to have as friends and and ar so kind and stunning

OMG it's my crushes birthday

Brad:November 27 u have to ask her out

by Ooo.you.can.really. dance November 1, 2019

303๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž

March 27

This day, is Ace Lalisa Day. Asia's miracle, Lalisa Manoban was born on this day.

So people born on this day are cool, Charismatic, Cute, beautiful, kind, sexy, ethereal, literal Sunshine, hardworking, down to earth, humble, kind and all good things.

On March 27, 1997, Lalisa Manoban came into this world, to rule the hearts of people.

by Avatar Lisa October 15, 2019

155๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

april 27

The day that only awesome people are born on. The people born on this day are sexy and charming and are garunteed to live a long, successful, and adventurous life. guys born on this day seem to exude an aura strangely magnetic for women. Women born on this day will grow up to make Aphrodite look like a dog.

Interviewer: How have you managed to become so successful and rich in your life time?

Interviewee: Simple, i was born on april 27th.

by pj&ae4e August 18, 2009

541๐Ÿ‘ 87๐Ÿ‘Ž

November 27

Give a girl your hoodie day

If itโ€™s November 27 you HAVE to give a girl your hoodie even if youโ€™re not dating

by Dates4life November 25, 2020

38๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

October 27

Nation Dumb Bitch Awareness Day

Yay itโ€™s October 27, my favorite day

by shayy256 October 17, 2019

963๐Ÿ‘ 165๐Ÿ‘Ž

February 27

A person born as a Pisces/ on February 27 is the person you would want to be around. They are loyal, funny, shy, smart, and supportive of most things. They will keep their word/promise. They always feel guilty for things that they probably didnโ€™t do. But little do you know, they have a dark side. People born on this day has been through a lot but hides their feelings. They are filled with pain and are heartbroken. They arenโ€™t the ones to share their feelings with anyone, but theyโ€™ll listen to others feelings. They care more about others then themselves, but if someone asks, โ€œWhatโ€™s wrong,โ€ then they will most likely break. Plus, they make negative jokes about them dying.

Person 1: Hey, howโ€™s your day

Pisces Oh, itโ€™s good

Person 1: Thatโ€™s great
* Pisces goes home and cries
Pisces: No wonder my birthday is February 27

by Depressed girly December 23, 2019

65๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž