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October 28

National chocolate day! Lovers of all chocolate, assemble!

Oh boy its October 28! Cant wait to make chocolate!

by NotAstraea October 28, 2021

October 28

National throw Dylan off a cliff day while kissing your crush

october 28th,
Person 1: Hey, dylin
Person 1: hey julie
Dylin: shit
Julie: *happy noises*

by Jade The Adventurer October 28, 2021

October 28

Hug your light skin friends day or kiss them

Why’d you hug me
It’s October 28

by Phrogston1 October 27, 2021

October 28

Marissa’s Birthday🎉

It’s October 28
Yeah it’s Marissa’s Birthday

by Dinosarawr March 1, 2023

October 28

October 28th is the day to go into someone's dms and say 'I'm Sorry' but not giving an explanation

Chad: I'm sorry
Kyle: why are you are
Kyle: Chad??
Kyle: CHAD?
Chad: dude, its October 28

by toastymilk October 27, 2020

October 28

Kiss a baseball boy

Girls October 28 is national kiss a baseball boy day

by Leo0231345 October 28, 2021

October 28

Give Jasmine Williams the famous actor head day

Person: Yo do you know what day it is?
Person 2: No?
Person: October 28
Person 2: Omg I have to give Jasmine Williams head right now!!
Person: ik rn that movie she was in sheeh she deserves it

by suckyuhm0dda October 27, 2021