person 1: you know that sexy president?
person 2: you mean abdullah qazafi?
person 1:yes ofc
is a boy who is no other and the best beast you can ever find, they have been increasingly used by top MNC'S for high profits and innovation
Wow he is a Fahad Sheik Abdullah
Someone who love Penis flavoured condoms
Did you see that dude he looks like a Abdullah
A bearded man who changes into a different version of himself every month
Abdullahs brain power is un matchable for anyone in year 2
Abdullah is known as the slave of Allah in the Arabic tounge.
He is also very attractive and good in bed
Abdullah is hot
- outright and successful communist able to sway the oppressed under evil regimes that exploit workers rights
- liberator of serfs
- able to combat teachers who exploit opportunities from workers and giving them a small pie of the text payer money
- strong and mighty, taking on the role of creating the trade union in SST to combat low wages and pay
Abdullah the liberator of serfs and the terminator of the capital class
It’s the swweettttest GUYY ikkk ilyyysmmm HES sooo hott and kinddd I LOVEE each and everything about him he deserves the besttt in worlddd Hess aa angleee everyone shouldd treattt himmm like a angle cuz he deserves itt he’s someone who’s sooo caringgg and lovinggg
I love everything about Abdullah