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Act of enslaving more than one man at once.
A person who believes she can have it in the butt and still be a virgin.
Act of continuing compulsive word vomit.
A skanky whore who is really a man behind all that makeup.
All of the above and more...

"I don't want him but you can't have him, because I want him too...because I'm ADD"
"No, really, I'm a virgin...I've only had it in the butt...once, twice, hell every night. But I'm still a virgin! Swear!"
"I love him and him, but today I only want you, but just so you know on Tuesday the rules state that I must switch off...sorry!"
Morning, on phone with boyfriend..."Honey, just so you know if you ever see me without makeup, I want you to hear this from me...I'm not a girl! I'm a man! The makeup is key!"

by Lexi and Hope May 19, 2007

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After Dinner Dookie.

Dang Tia I need to take an ADD.

by AmandaWHHTE October 19, 2008

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add maths

A fucking subject where you need almost 90% of your brain to understand the whole textbook (not to mention this only apply to rick and morty fangays).

*Add Maths teacher comes in* everyone's status, dead, except for r&n fans whose iq is way higher than the others

by N4th January 9, 2018


an add on the side of a web page that is very skanky. Often portraying slutty girls that are not pretty

EEEEEEEEEw, whenever I look at those ho-adds I just want to barf

by Iharne K.G Ramms August 4, 2009

iTunes ADD

when you listen to music, but can't decide on a single song and you change frequently. Hearing the end of a song is almost impossible.

Person1: Hey, what are you listening to?
Person2: A lot of things, I have iTunes ADD again.

by Shiny Lights January 21, 2006

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wtf adds

Wtf adds are female Facebook whore- selfie posts." WANT TO FUCK PICTURES"

have you seen Stacie's FB page lately? that slut posted 10 wtf adds this week.

by fuckthathotass69 January 29, 2017

guilt add

The act of adding someone as a friend on a social networking site because you would feel like an asshole if you denied their request.

My cousin requested to become my friend on myspace, so I had to give her a guilt add.

by Twisted Iniquity January 15, 2009

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