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system administrator

The people how are absolute dicks and wont let you play games or watch videos

Mate 2 - Hey did you watch the video

Mate 1 - No because of that dick of a system administrator

by MAD DOG 15 June 25, 2015

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Transportation Security Administration

Terrorizing Some Americans with pedophile professionals

Transportation Security Administration employs agressive faggots, pederasts or pedophiles, who perceive children as sexual objects for themselves or others

by NO Freedom And Groping January 27, 2013

Nick Jonas and the Administration

Nick Jonas' side project from the Jonas Brothers. Suprisingly amazing!

Sometimes abreviated to 'NJATA'

'Oh hey man, did you hear about NJATA?'

'You mean Nick Jonas and the Administration? No way dude! I thought it was just me who liked them?'

by Nick's lovaaaaaaaa January 7, 2010

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Transportation Security Administration

(US GOVERNMENT) Agency in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Mostly a new entity, which is perhaps the single most conspicuous domestic policy failure of the US government since 2000.

The TSA's job is to inspect baggage carried on flights at 450 international airports in the USA. Implementing this mandate simply consisted of "federalizing" thousands of private-sector employees who had been woefully under-qualified. Initially, the DHS had been formed explicitly to break law enforcement unions (which contribute to fighting corruption in law enforcement, as well as protecting law enforcement officers' rights as employees). In the case of the TSA, this had disastrous consequences for the quality of air travel.

The Transportation Security Administration has one mission, namely, to check passengers and luggage at 450 international airports across the USA. It does not inspect freight or border entries; that is done by Customs and Border Protection. For this function, it employs 45,000 screeners under lousy conditions with awful pay. And it spends more doing this one thing than Sweden spends on its entire military.

by Primus Intra Pares June 17, 2010

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go on administrative leave

To receive symbolic punishment for your actions without facing any real accountability or repercussions.

See Also: Paid suspension, suspension with pay, qualified immunity

A cop got in trouble for murdering someone in their home. He will definitely just go on administrative leave.

by kenoshabrick March 3, 2021

Facebook Group Administrator

A position withing a Facebook group that has no real purpose at all except for being a cool title.

John: I'm a Facebook Group Administrator!
Gerald: So what. I'm in Admin too and I don't actually do anything.

by koltilluminatorz August 5, 2012

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This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator

The standard sentence that replaces moderated messages on GameFAQs forums. Appears in brackets without anything else in the post. Knowing GameFAQs mods, you'll see it alot.

If you see about five or more in a row, you know shit went down.

This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator


This example was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator

by Lapbunny December 5, 2009

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