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-aint as bad as u think
-some have beautiful hearts
-made hip-hop (the music genre we all like)

African-American 1: sup n*gga lookit u want some (insert substance).
African-American 2: hell to the naw- hey imma tell u I ain't trippin' no more on this shit.

by MansNotSexuallyFeverish(Hot) June 10, 2021

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jolly-african american

The act of being or doing something like a good ol jolly-african american.

since i dont have a pipe i place a nug in my right nostril, and use my left nostril as a carb and light it like a jolly-african american for a straight to the dome finish.

by theycallmetilatequila## December 7, 2010

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African-Americaned Out

The act of blacking out while being over the top politically correct. First use of phrase used by comedian Zach Galifianakis.

"I got real drunk last night and African-Americaned Out."

by Alias-MarlonJones August 21, 2011

27πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

African-American Ops

Another way to say Call of Duty Black Ops if you think the word "black" is referring to people with dark skin.

Usually used in the United-States.

Dude: Hey dud did you get African-American Ops yet?
Guy: Yeah dude the game is SWEET!

by CJserrano November 14, 2010

26πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

African-American Berry

n. President Obama's Blackberry.

The politically correct definition of a "Blackberry" cellphone.

Obama really likes his african-american berry!

by Yuffiek133 January 27, 2009

38πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

african american express

First used by Kanye West. Slang for AmEx's "Black Card"

I went to the malls and I balled too hard
'Oh my god, is that a black card?'
I turned around and replied, why yes but I prefer the term
African American Express

by festsitron October 28, 2005

253πŸ‘ 99πŸ‘Ž

The Neo African Americans

The Neo African Americans is a term used by documentary filmmaker Kobina Aidoo to describe recent, voluntary immigrants from Africa and the Caribbean. In an interview with CNN, he revealed that his working title was The New African Americans until he realized that many of the respondents did not consider themselves African American, so he changed New to Neo. In his words, "new with a twist."

The Neo African Americans is a living documentary; it’s never really finished. It’s a conversationβ€”a conversation about how rapid, voluntary immigration from the Caribbean and, especially, Africa is transforming the African American narrative.

by Esi00 June 17, 2009

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