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SSS (study stimmy shits)

A busy college student’s worst shit nightmare. When you’re on a study binge and take the big 3 of stimulants (caffeine, nicotine, Adderall) and have an intense shit induced by all 3.

Damn it dude I had to take a break from studying because I’ve got a gnarly case of SSS (study stimmy shits).

by supersquirt December 1, 2022

2👍 1👎

mmm nnn bbb vvv ccc xxx zzz lll kkk jjj hhh ggg fff ddd sss aaa ppp ooo iii uuu yyy ttt rrr eee www qqq

When you start to die of boredom and maybe your internet even is gone so you start to type mmm nnn bbb vvv ccc xxx zzz lll kkk jjj hhh ggg fff ddd sss aaa ppp ooo iii uuu yyy ttt rrr eee www qqq, which is typing your letters on the QWERTY keyboard from first to last, but you type every letter 3 times.

Person 1: Dude I'm so bored

Dude: Have you tried qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm and mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq?

Person 1: Yeah, 4 minutes ago.

Dude: Try doing mmm nnn bbb vvv ccc xxx zzz lll kkk jjj hhh ggg fff ddd sss aaa ppp ooo iii uuu yyy ttt rrr eee www qqq.

by August403 January 19, 2021

87👍 31👎


The sounds that snakes make

Snake: "ssssss"
Person: did i just hear SSS-noises?

by aauaat April 27, 2022


stop simping september

- sarah you're so pretty

- you just lost sss bro

by klvvv November 9, 2020


Meaning of ass

Your such a sss

by Joonstan July 26, 2021


Sexy Soup Scene
(If you've watched Danganropa, you know what I mean.)

"You're kidding, you showed the SSS to your parents?!"
"The SSS?"
"Sexy Soup Scene!"
"I- Yes, I did."
"...So that's how you lost your arm."
"You can't see it, but I also lost half my brain, too."
"And you've got a bite mark on your leg."

by TheAsianNerd October 25, 2022


SSS refers to "Sex with a Stranger in a Strange city"

My dream is to have SSS.
I can't believe I had SSS! He was just great!

by Stranger 😜 July 11, 2022