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playing apex

Slang for having gay sex, usually with the homies.

Friend: "I'm playing apex with the boys, sorry"
You: "Oh, I didn't know you were gay."
Friend: "Yes, I enjoy sucking peeeeenis."

by TheTitularApexLegend December 10, 2020

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Apex Homosexual

The biggest gay around. Peak gayness. Nobody can top the amount of gay that they are.

β€œGoro Majima is an apex homosexual”

by 100cpu February 17, 2021

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Xim Apexs

β€˜Xim Apex’ is a device used to transfer the usage of mouse and keyboard into controller movement, making it useable on console devices. The main purpose of the xim apex device is to allow people with disabilities to enjoy console just as a normal person would. Sadly, the only people that actually use it are just mentally disabled mnk ximtards. What a great product 5/5 ⭐️-oMavv aka mav❀️

*kid using mnk in a ranked game*

message from Spacer NX

β€œyou have no life you mnk ximtard nerd. kys.” Xim Apexs

by Spacer NX ❀️ September 2, 2021

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apex legends

a game simply better than fortnite.

wow have you heard about apex legends? yeah i here it’s more cooler than fortnite

by lxrd April 8, 2019

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Apex Legends

Just a better Fortnite

Bob: β€œhey Jimmy! wanna play Fortnite?!”
Jimmy: β€œEw no, Apex Legends is better”

by thegamer1943 February 17, 2019

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apex ganga

An apex ganga. Similar to the genus "homo ganga" was first discovered in Canberra in the year 2014. All though previous rumored sightings existed since European settlement in the area. Similar to a ganga they are basically just worst and are normally cashed up from being a stripper.

"Oi that chick from last night was such a ganga dude, in fact no it was an apex ganga, definitely an awkward relationahip with her father"

by Jk1988 September 3, 2019

Apex girl

An apex girl is the one that got away, the one you should have stayed with, and the one you will never get over. Everyone after her is just you settling for less. Often the apex girl is from highschool.

Bro: hey man how's it going?
Sad bro: not good dude, you know my highschool girlfriend? The apex girl? No one has measured up since.
Bro: ah that sucks man, maybe you should have respected her parents more.
Sad bro:*is sad*

by Sgt.Tacticool March 8, 2019