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Ishaan Aviation

Someone that can 'definitely identify' any plane that flies in the sky.

Ishaan aviation, what plane is that?

by Chingaling69 September 11, 2023

Aviation Information Station (AAA)

The Aviation information station or AAA for short is a service provided to pilots that gives them important aviation information before, during, and after flights. the aviation information station or AAA is frequently confused with the FSS or flight service station, though the FSS and the AAA may be similar they are not to be confused with each other. often times the AAA provides much more useful and insightful information than the FSS making it the favorite aviation information broadcasting station of many pilots all across the globe.

Person: did you check the Aviation Information Station (AAA) this morning
pilot: of course I did, I don't know what I would do without it

by User of urban dictionary123 September 21, 2022

According to all laws of aviation

this sentence is used at the start of bee movie

TV - "According to all laws of aviation..."

by Matsu Robot June 23, 2022


Getting elevated through the use of medical marijuana

Soaring through them clouds I'm aviating

by MasonSpade April 27, 2012

Chinese Aviator's License

Term largely used by older folks to describe something they have no use for

I need another pair of socks like I need a Chinese Aviator's License

by ronburgundy123 August 25, 2021

Aviation Denier

A person who openly denies results published by the global scientific community and international aviation organizations such as ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization, a United Nations agency) on the emissions efficiency, safety and importance of aviation. Usually exaggerates aviation’s contribution to Global warming for economic or political reasons.

Greta Thunberg is an Aviation Denier, she refused to fly on environmental grounds.

Related words: Flygskam

by ScienceFairWinner January 21, 2021

Aviation High School / AVI

The clogs that form in drains in college dorms from excessive shower masturbation by the residents.

The janitor left a passive aggressive note on the wall asking people not to yank it in the showers because he was tired of cleaning up the Aviation High School / AVI every week.

by Jex312213 November 21, 2021