eating ass with a spoon
that asshole! That Weezing Bag Of Dick Tips
Something that is even more stupid than a bag of dog dicks
Jeff said"I knew a guy that used to carry around a bag of dog dicks." that's so dumb said Bob. Carl chimed in and said "I knew a guy that believed everything CNN reported" . Poco awoke from his sleep and said " now that's dumber than a bag of dog dicks". They all laughed a bit.
There is no one happier than a sissy with a hot bag of dicks
A true man who shines among a group of immature, forever adolescent jerks.
Dan is a man amongst a bag of dicks. Despite being sick, he still went camping only to listen to his friends complain that it was raining.
Jeff bezos and Netflix are such for not having lord of the rings or the Harry potter collections available.
Bezos really is a bag of dicks. I wanted to watch Harry potter . Dick
Jeff bezos and Netflix are such for not having lord of the rings or Harry potter collections available.
Bezos really is a bag of dicks. I wanted to watch lord of the rings this weekend. Dick
A bag filled with dicks. A way to say disgusting.
I will hit you with a bag of dicks. I look like a bag of dicks.