1. A cooking method to cool something down, instead of hot water underneath you use cold
Water or ice water.
2. A shower based sex position - reverse cowgirl where the bottom person is out of the hot water and the one one top is under the hot water
To cool this chocolate, we used a reverse Bain-Marie
Yo, I was so cold, I was the bottom in the reverse Bain Marie last night, she got all the hot water!
A brand of sunscreen that was produced by Bayer. It was affiliated with the Coppertone brand
In the 1970s and 1980s, the brand used the slogan (especially featured in television commercials) "Bain de Soleil, for the St. Tropez tan." The brand was discontinued in December 2019.
The worlds sexiest name belonging to the worlds sexiest man
When you die from a disease or other illness that you made fun of in the past.
John Bain Syndrome got its name from John Peter Bain A.K.A "The Cynical Brit." In the early 2010s, he came under fire for telling someone to "go get cancer and die."
Needless to say, the Internet was NOT very sympathetic when he revealed that he had cancer himself, citing this infamous moment many times. They practically rejoiced when he revealed that it was terminal.