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Bathroom + juuling= booling (should be spelled buulin)

Was poppin jimbo let’s go boolin

by Waspoppinjimboooo May 30, 2018


Boolin is used as a sub word for relaxing, chilling, and hanging out.

Just boolin boy (another word for coolin).

AYYY we boolin (hanging out).

by NycDayChris March 6, 2018


zainub. the definition of boolin is simply zainub.

wow im so cool. im boolin.

by mysteriousdude9 January 15, 2019


(Verb) Substitue for any real or fake word.

Person 1: How are you doing Mason?
Person 2: I'm boolin', how about you ese?
Person 1: Boolin' here too.

by @TheRealNicholas November 28, 2022


Absolutely vibin having the best time of your life with your favorite people

Jay: wassup bruh what you doin?
Wade: nothin just boolin

by BigDwAdE September 8, 2020


The next level chillin meaning to have more fun than when you chillin

Jay: wassup bruh what you doin
Wade: just boolin bruh

by BigDwAdE September 8, 2020


Boolin is the act that an anybuhl may proceed in. Someone who is boolin is, in fact, anybuhl, irrelevant, and/or annoying. The action in which you become an anybuhl, in which you are proceeding in actions none other want to be a part of.

Chad: "i'm gonna tell the dean, he's friends with my Dad!"
Synonyms: Annoying, in my face

by _agendersponge_ January 1, 2019