Bre is a girl who has a lot of secrets and has a big heart for everyone , she is a girl who hides things from people so they don't worry and care about her to much , she is also a June Gemini , she is a girl that try's to have fun around friends and family even if Shes sad , she is a girl who is scared of embarrassment , she is actually gentle and kind when you first meet her , she argues with her mom over stupid things but brushes it off .
she talks bad about the people that she don't like but Shes a good person n she loves her besties .
a person who care
a person shows love
a person who think a lot
a person who has a big heart for the ones she love
loves ha bestie
and ha sisters
she a gemini n shes the best
evb love a gemini
Bre is the sound of an AK 47 being unloaded, used by Chiara. She usually only speaks in GenZ language, or weird horoscope language. Both being infused with a regular "Bre".
"ey bres ich hab bei der Fahrprüfung wen umgefahren PAHHAHAHAHAHHA"
"Bre" is most powerful multitool in Serbian language, according to the law, it must be used at least 16,000 times in one sentence, but bare minimum is 3.
How to use it:
Squeeze it whenever possible in a single sentence + Serbian accent
In translation it means "bro"
Bre, moje ime je Živorad bre, gde mi je rakija bre!
bre is aserbian "word" that actually does't mean anything.
It is mostly used between words, showing signs of confusion, anger, and many more.
Used by Serbian people in the Serbian language.
1.STA RADIS BRE? (what are you doing BRE)
2.HOCES SAD DA TE UBiJEM BRE? (do you whant me to kill you BRE)
3.a nemoj BRE molim te BRE. (don't do it BRE please BRE)