Someone who is a "nigga" will call other niggas the word brotha because they are both black and feel a sense of connection due to that fact. They are also very likely to be "homies" or friends and thus it is a friendly gesture.
White crackers generally don't use this word, but can use the word "brother" to describe their own brothers or friends.
The way black people say it is different from how white people say it, as they say it like "brotha" while white people say it "brother".
This is due to the fact that the black community feels a sense of pride in the fact that they aren't educated. They intentionally say things in a weird and uneducated way to be a part of the group, due to black people often living in poor conditions.
On the other hand, white people don't really care and just say things normally. This is due to the fact that white people don't feel like they are a part of some kind of community, because it would be weird to believe that you are part of the "white community" when almost all people in the world are white and are very different from each other.
Black "nigga" to his homie: "How ya doin "brotha", haven't seen you in a while nigga."
Homie: "What is up my nigga! Neither have i "brotha". I thought you might be dead! hehe."
A name you can use to call someone, or even your own brotha. Some people use it to sound gangsta, or some people use it to be funny, or yknow it can just be in your vocabulary.
Hey brotha, i had a good time with ya last night.
A person with the same Characteristics or Personality to another person.
Person 1: Yoo I love Titanic man!
Person 2: Man sameee I really like it a lot!
Person 1: Dayummm we brothasss
Taken from legendary pro wrestler Hulk Hogan who would use the phrase to turn down any decision that didn't benefit him. Now used as a way of turning something/anything down emphatically
Boss: Can you stay pass your shift?
You: That's not gonna work for me brotha!