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Combe Downer

A short measured glass of beer with an over-sized head. Thought to originate from the monks who lived in Combe Down, Bath, UK who wore a large white collar over their cassocks.

β€œHere Mate, top my pint up - that’s a Combe Downer”

by I hate short measures! February 19, 2019

comb the jelly

A male procedure that involves using a comb to remove semen has run down the shaft into the pubic hair. A fine toothed comb is recommended as it gets the bulk of it out in one go.

Room Mate #1: Ahhh man what happened my comb.. what's this stuck in the teeth?

Room Mate #2: Sorry dude, I cracked off a messy one last night and had to comb the jelly.

by mr_dirtboxII May 18, 2010

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A hairstyle worn by men who are balding in the middle of their head. The hair is grown long on one side of the head, and then combed over the bald spot and sprayed stiff, to cover up the bald spot.

That geezer's comb-over makes him look like he actually has hair!

by Jannine December 26, 2003

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cooter comb

the comb for your pubic hairs.. preferably womanly pubes. cooter stands for pooter stands for vaginer stands for pussy.

"shit, bitch, i done did lost my cooter comb and my pubes are all nappy!"
"want pubes like beyonce? use the new bedazzled cooter comb to fancify your pubic area."

by matilder January 22, 2007

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When old white guys have little hair and they let one side grow out longer than the other side and comb it over on top of their head.

My uncle dont have any hair so he has a comb over.

by Jennifer December 25, 2003

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When a guy is balding majorly in the middle of his head and has long hair on the sides, he combs it over the top of his head and creates the (hysterical) illusion that he has more hair than he really does.

Nice comb-over grandpa.

by AlphaDog December 23, 2003

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Jeremiah Combs

A tallish nerdy guy that people tend to like for no apparent reason. He generally types with a series of random thoughts ending with a "...". this "character" jeremiah rants about things that most people dont care about and he retains knowledge like you retain water

"Im not goth, but if you call me anything other than that ill look a little pissed, ask you what the fuck and give you the finger cus you fucking deserve it assfuck." - Jeremiah Combs on "lame fucking idiocultures"
"quit drinking that pisswater and get something with some substance" - Jeremiah Combs on "camomile tea"
"religion, haaaaaaaaaah" Jeremiah Combs on, you guessed it, religion.

by Micheal Westwardly May 27, 2009

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