Source Code

Centre for United Nations Technology

Acronym for a derogatory term for a person (usually a woman). Considered by many to be one of the most offensive acronyms in the English language.

Person 1: I fucking hate Chris!
Person 2: Yeah, he definitely works for the Centre for United Nations Technology.
Person 1: I'm pretty sure he founded it.

by yalooze February 8, 2010

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Shri Ram Consulting and Research Centre

A professional body that provides pro bono research and consultancy services to NGOs, start-ups and corporations like Uber, ITC, Akzonobel and many more, while simultaneously ensuring a smooth and joyous learning experience that would help in CV and profile building as well.

Every Commerce student has two dreams: first is to get admission in SRCC, and the second is to get enrolled in Shri Ram Consulting and Research Centre.

by SRCRC Fanclub Head November 30, 2021

Turn your mouth into a daycare centre

When a girl is sucking dick and he cums in her mouth

Boy โ€œIโ€™m going to turn your mouth into a daycare centreโ€

by Mazinator69 September 10, 2020

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Turn your mouth into a daycare centre

When a girl is sucking dick and he cums in her mouth

Boy โ€œIโ€™m going to turn your mouth into a daycare centreโ€

by Mazinator69 September 10, 2020

Urban consumption centre


I visited an urban consumption centre to to shop

by UCC17 November 17, 2022

mill centre

An establishment designed to keep those of questionable sanity away from the mainstream population, otherwise known as a loony bin.

John: we're sending you to the mill centre Jack
Jack: good I can bang your mum while I'm there.

by madmentalhater December 11, 2007

Canyon Dental Centre

Greatest dental office of all time!! Known for its extremely knowledgeable staff and amazing patients!

Canyon dental centre is my go-to for all my dental needs

by Canyon dental centre November 24, 2021