a combination of a chink and a nigga, term used by many high intelligence asians.
bryan: yo, what’s good
daniel: what’s good my chigga
A chinese version of the N-word. All asian people has the pass (even if they aren't chinese) This pass can spread like Corana virus
Person A: I have the c-word pass
Person B: I have the n-word pass
Both at the same time Chigga, NI(I dont have the pass so i cant say it)
an Asian nigga
quickly make my buc Choy chigga
One of the many words in the Chictionary. The translation in English is the n- word.
What a Chigga
Hey mate! you gotta cook the chigga. you can't eat it raw because it's dangerous.
a cute funny, adorable, beautiful and wholesome girl
francheska over there is so helpful and kind, we should call her chigga/chig.
Me: Yo, Kayne lived in china for 8 years
Homie: Oh, he's a Chigga!
Me: Nigga what?