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A beautiful religion based off of peace, equality, trust and love. Originally a sect of Judaism, Christianity believes in most things Judaism does, except that Christianity follows the concept that Jesus Christ is the divine son of God. Followers of Christianity also tend to have a very personal relationship with God, who is seen as a forgiving and loving God. The place of worship for those who follow Christianity is known as a church.

The follower of Christianity went to pray at church.

by FollowerofChrist14 February 23, 2012

15๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


It started when a nice guy hundreds of years ago pretty much said, "Hey guys, maybe we shouldn't be assholes to eachother." For this, he was nailed to a tree.

However, everyone didn't seem to be able to understand "Be nice" so they made up a ton of reasons why he said this.
Eventually this was spun out of hand and one question led to another.

Eventually it started being used to give reason to biggotry. Such as hatred twords gays. When the real reason that these christians hate gays is simply because they are different from them.
It was mainly used to squeeze money from followers (similar to Sceintology). And to gain more followers the christians decided to smear other religons, like Saitanism, to have more followers and more money.
They did this by naming the guy they blamed everything on Saitan, putting their nonsense holidays on the same days as other holidays, and even taking over the holidays of other religons (like Christmas).

Today it is used for, the mental controll of the population of America, stealing money from it's followers, making hate laws (no gay rights), making yourself feel better than everyone else because you belive the story about the cosmic jewish zombie who is his own father, etc...
There are too many christians on the interent.

"No, I'm pretty sure it was Christianity that started WWII."

by GalenTheWorldeEater February 5, 2011

24๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž


A religion, prominent in the Western world, and spread elsewhere largely through conquest. Spread into many denominations as to increase convenience for the followers, who often follow only because everybody else does.

Christianity supports the theory that a platonic divine overlord (commonly referred to as "God") created the Earth and presides over it, and, in fact, involves himself in the daily lives of "his people". Oftentimes Christians pray as to gain the assistance of God. According to Christianity, Jesus was a messiah (and the son of God, who in turn died on a cross as to "atone for the sins of humans", however that connects....), spreading the word of God through miraculous actions and largely philosophical, profound dialogues. His actions and dialogues can be found in the Bible, the religious book (similar to the Koran or Torah)of the Christians.

With the Enlightenment, as a higher level of thinking was achieved, atheists (people who do not believe in divinity) began to arise, later creating a conclusive theory involving the creation of the Earth that does not involve divine precedence.

As technology spreads and thinking broadens, more atheists arise, and oftentimes are met fiercely with Christians, who, as a result, violate their own principles in an effort to justify their insecurities regarding their beliefs.

Christianity should not be hated. It spreads a good message, usually along the lines of "be nice all the time". If anything should be feared, it should be the followerrs of the religion, who are marked by hypocrisy,fanaticism, and violence (though this is not always the case).

"Christianity, Judaism, and Islam (though they call him Allah) all believe in God."

"Christianity has often been criticized for being false and outdated, yet has long withstanded pressure and will likely never collapse."

by Dude with an opinion July 9, 2007

24๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž


Popular to contrary belief, christianity is not a religion, rather a relationship. Many people like to harass christians and the belief itself, but usually its the people who are to ignorant to think that maybe humans didn't just explode into existence out of nothing.

Its based around the principle that God sent his PERFECT son Jesus (which there are 3 entities of the one God: God the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit) to die for the world which is sinful. The idea is that you have free will, so you choose if you want God in your life.

Masses of people think that Christianity caused all these wars and man-made chaotic genocides, but most of the time, Muslims have had done most of the dirty work.

The free will part is what makes the most sense because you don't HAVE to become a christian, its a choice and no one has anything to lose. God is all love, and everything happens for a reason, pain and suffering only build your character.

God Bless you all! he loves you, you know... christianity is a choice. But for some reason people of the past give it a bad reputation. I know that its been FRAMED!

by Jerry bombiddly August 5, 2011

19๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


A religion that caused the crusades, the age of scientific oppression, homophobia, creationism and plenty of genocides.
The bible contains some rediculous rules:
1. You can't be gay
2. You can't have long hair
3. A woman must serve her husband (i.e a woman is inferior to a man)
4. A woman can't lead
5. Loads more

It's a religion based on fear. Disobey it and you go to hell. It also created creationism, the theory of Noah's ark, both of which have been disproven time and time again yet there's so many idiots following it that they cling to their rediculous beliefs. And it fails to mention that homosexuality is genetic and not a choice.

Don't get me wrong, most Christians are good people but the religion is deeply flawed.

Redneck: Stupid fags ur goin to hell! Follow God or go to hell! Don't vote for Hillary or go to hell! Cut your hair or go to hell! Believe in creationism or go to hell! Follow Christianity or go to hell! Now let's go kill some fuckin' queers and lynch a nigga before we go and blow up the abortion clynic!

Good Christian: 1. Thou shalt not swear 2. Thou shall not kill 3. Respect and love your neighbour

Redneck: (struggles not to shout out he is just a violent ignorant person who needs to vent out his natural anger at everything) Err...Ermmm...Fuck u ur goin ta hayelll!!!

by Fat Fee June 22, 2010

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The belief that a cosmic jewish zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you systematically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat a magic apple.

Christianity is crazier than the people who practice it.

by Mr. Barker October 11, 2007

39๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž


A religion which, according to its holy book, the bible, began over 2000 years ago.

It has for a long time been the most commonly followed religion in the world, mostly in the west and parts of Africa.

Recently, there has been a decline in followers, mostly in the west, due to a lot of anti-Christian material in the media - for example, controversies surrounding homosexuality, and in the US, the Westboro Baptist Church.

The truth is, even as a non-Christian, I know that in a nutshell, the bible teaches pretty much nothing more than to love one another and to have a fulfilling life... contrary to what a lot of people say; it being nothing but made up gibberish. True, most of the stories in the bible are made up, but those stories are used mainly to interpret many unanimous Christian beliefs.

Sadly, many modern Christians face a lot of prejudice due to what the media portrays them to be. Most Christians just want to live a fulfilling life and don't wish to impede their beliefs on others.

I don't follow Christianity, but at least it isn't as bad as Islam.

by Politically incorrect March 1, 2013

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