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1) A type of force for which the work done is independent of the path taken
2) A person advocating right-wing economic and social policies
3) A person disliking change

1) Gravity is a conservative force
2) George Bush is renowned for his conservative policies
3) At the moment, Jennifer is a conservative, but this will change if the government is abolished.

by Kathryn January 22, 2005

124πŸ‘ 172πŸ‘Ž


A person who wants to believe that they are "of a different opinion" instead of understanding that there is no "alt reality", so they are either religiously brainwashed or just ignorant and self-deluded because of their habit of forcing themselves to live in an information vacuum.

He calls himself "conservative" even though we all know he is just delusional and stupid.

by Arizona Mildman April 24, 2018

5πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


The political party that saves the United States from the brain disorder that is liberalism.

the conservative party wants to keep the US the world power. what do the liberals want?

the liberals want to take my money, that i worked hard to get, to give to that drug addict on the street who dropped out of high school in 9th grade at the age of 18.

the liberals want to protect the deer in alaska so we don't drill in ANWR for oil that we need. (they don't want us taking the foriegn oil. so where should we get it?) the tundra is like a 4000 square mile frozen parking lot. i don't think the deer will mind.

the liberals want to take 2 equally qualified high school graduates and put the black one in a college because he's black. wow, we've really come a far way in civil rights.

the liberals want to pull the troops out of the middle east. Newsflash, they attacked us first, like Pearl Harbor. Should we just sit idly by and get attacked again? No, these people will stop at nothing to kill all Americans. Somehow they forget that.

liberals, sit back, leave the adults in charge please.

by Fngh June 10, 2006

10273πŸ‘ 428πŸ‘Ž


One who believes that the government should not interfere much (if at all) with the economy or a person's privacy. One who believes that a man needs to pull himself up by his own bootstraps, become self-reliant, stop taking taxes and start paying them. One who believes that taxes themselves should be kept to a minimum.
One who believes in a person's right to free speech and religion, one who abhors censorship. One who believes that it is the people who should lead the country, not the government. One who believes that a man deserves his own earnings and the government doesn't need to be taking away chunks of his hard labor.
One who sees people like Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama and can't help but shudder at the thought that either one might actually become the next President, both being extremely horrible choices.
Conservative is a term free from religious and racial associations/prejudices, although often associated with "bigot", something that has nothing to do with conservatism.
All in all, conservatives are the polar opposite of fascists, although they face plenty of name calling despite the fact that the fascists that people are referring to when insulting conservatives had very liberal policies and are only related to conservatives in the sense that they acknowledge the importance of a strong military, because by God if there's a country that needs a strong military, it's America.

Affirmative action is one of the most racist things conceived. It is a policy that, in its existence, basically says that all people who are not white are intellectually inferior to white people and thus, need a helping hand from the government.

Hypothetical conversation:
"Are you a liberal?"
"Nope. I'd rather think for myself than have the government do it for me."
"So you're a fascist?"
"I just answered that. I said no. I'm a conservative."
"So you're a Christian?"
"Kind of, but what does that have to do with it?"
"Hah! So you're a fascist!"
"No, you're just an idiot."

by Kato Boduko March 11, 2008

85πŸ‘ 122πŸ‘Ž


Someone who believes in morals. Someone who knows that you're supposed to kill terrorists, not babies. It is thuoght that conservatives are always white christian males, but then again, who runs for president for Democrats? Oh that's right, Al Gore, John Kerry, Bill Clinton...oh the minorities!

Conservatives attacked Iraq and found one of the most dangerous terrorists in the world who, at one time, admitted to having weapons of mass destruction in order to make the world a better place.

by alisarosemary April 4, 2006

4033πŸ‘ 387πŸ‘Ž


1. Being highly resistant to change. Refusing to modernize and adapt. Doing and believing things because it’s the tradition.

2. Having a very short penis.

1. The Amish take conservatism to THA MAXXX!

2. The Bush Administration is conservative.

by Shard April 20, 2005

159πŸ‘ 241πŸ‘Ž


A racist, homophobic, patriotic dick-head.

conservative " I'm a conservative, I hate politically correct folks." normal person: " You do know that the word "conservative" is a politically correct word, right?" (The conservative then proceeds to shoot the person and claim that he was communist trying to take away the conservative's second amendment rights)

by Applegate900899 August 8, 2017

7πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž