The new faschism equal is the coronism. The new modern „Nazi“
Coronism, Coronists, new modern Nazis are now wearing the swastika armband on their faces.
Something spreading physically, emotionally, economically and digitally at an epic and unprecedented rate.
Damn, the run on toilet paper is GOING CORONAL!
Coronism®™© You’re Coronist, a believer to this ideology blurring communism and faschism. Far left
from US law.
A moron scared of the coronavirus
Have you seen all those corons wearing masks?
A moron scared of the coronavirus
Have you seen all those corons wearing masks ?
Adherents to the moronic and irrational belief that Bitcoin (BTC) has to be crippled to a 1mb blocksize and that suffering extreme transaction fees, unreliability and slowness helps make BTC useful as a store of value.
Max corons don't believe in hard forks or blocksize increases.