Source Code


A stolen vehicle

Me and Jaz are riding around in a cump

by cumpz February 24, 2022

Cump (noun)

1. A man who dumps his cum in any open hole he can find
2. A man who has many sexual partners
3. A man with low standards of cleanliness

Cump (noun)

Men can be a cump, cumper, cumpster, cumpy:
"Ew. Don't date him. He's a major cump" - can substitute other words above like cumper, cumpster
"If you're horny, he's super cumpy and will do ANYthing you want"

by EClever$ January 6, 2021

Double Cump Back Whale

When two Bros DP a {Hump Back Whale} and during her ass arch, they projectile ejaculate up and over that phatt ass onto her back while moaning like a whale

So after we slayed in the rink, Riley and I gave this phatttt bitch a Double Cump back whale, and let's just say we had to use a lot of paper after that one.

by Hweems July 10, 2020

cum cump

cum cump basically means cum cup ykwim. you call people cum cump specifically white people who r like pale like vampire pale.

hey cum cump”

by lovefarting June 28, 2023

Cump menz

Willing to be friends

Would you like to cump menz me

by Chimmiconga September 26, 2022

Donald Cump

Often played at KKK meetings or conservative hangouts after saying slurs, hating minorities and expressing their unrequited love towards Donald Trump. One player is assigned the role of Donald Trump and must wear a full Donald Trump costume. He then must cum in a cup and pass it to another player. On that player’s turn they must say something they love about Trump, gargle the cum and spit it back into the cup and pass it to the next player. If someone doesn’t say anything nice about Trump they must not gargle and pass the cup to another player unpatriotically. The game is over when the song YMCA is done playing.

Oh boy you down to play some Donald Cump? Let’s say nothing bad about him, and gargle our mouths with his cum like true American patriots. I love America

by AltOblvion December 10, 2024

Donald Cump

Often played at KKK meetings or by conservatives at gatherings, one person is Donald Trump and must cum in a cup and pass it to another person. They in turn must say something they love about Donald Trump gargle the cum spit back into the cup and pass it to the next person and repeat. If they don’t say anything great about Trump they must pass the cup without gargling unpatriotically.

Man I love Donald Trump! I love playing Donald Cump in his honor daily with buddies after we’ve said a bunch of slurs and complaining about minorities. Nothing more American than good game of Donald Cump!

by AltOblvion December 10, 2024