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Rhett Cunningham

a hot ass drummer (Ludic)

I am in love with Rhett Cunningham

by idkwhoiamahahah September 9, 2021

liam cunningham

leeham oh leeham. he is forced to be gay but who knows if hes actually gay or not? nevertheless, he’s a cool person you’d want around, as his presence lights up the mood and he is one of the best people you’d meet in your life. he’s a man child, but he knows that he is and he accepts and embraces it! he’s one of those people you need in your life, just bevause of his nature and his personality is one of a kind. he’s loved by many, but nobody can top it because his girlfriend loves him the most (obviously). even if people mistake him as a pick me boy, he is far from it and he brings a smile to everyones faces as his laugh is very contagious :) if youre reading this, i love you more <3

i wish i could have a liam cunningham in my life, it’d make life so enjoyable

by ?!$@$% May 3, 2022

Cunningham's Troll(ing)

Derived from Cunningham's Law:
The best way to get genuine, lengthy interactions on the internet's social media, is not to post something accurate and agreeable, but something erroneous.

typical examples of Cunningham's Troll(ing)

OP: "Vaccines are unhealthy"/"The earth is flat"/"Amber Heard did nothing wrong"
Commenters: (1000 messages detailing the what, why, and how; possibly with APA-style citations)

by DaMidd June 7, 2022

naomi cunningham

A Beutiful girl that is just perfect to be around, i love her

it was a love pat i swear
it so wasent-naomi cunningham
i swear it was

It had good intentions-naomi cunningham

by CHCH September 27, 2013


Another word for awesome

Man he is so ty-cunningham.

by The School Of Odd words March 9, 2018

Cade Cunningham

glorious and petite lightskin king who plays basketball so elegantly and perfectly

Person 1: I could watch cade cunningham stroke it all day man.

Person 2: He was stroking it all night against that soft bulls d

by MurtssZ March 2, 2024

Louis Cunningham

A narcissist, that everyone hates to love. Lowkey pedo and predator, but he’s getting better.

Currently 20

Some 14 yearold girl: omg louis Cunningham is so hot but he only likes French woman that peg him :( but I’m 14 so I may have a chance

by Louis Cunningham November 4, 2021