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Da is letters in your name if these are in your name u are truly a good fortnite player

Yo have u seen that guy with da in his name he is so good at fortnite

by Dream_ClApZ April 19, 2020


dumb ass. plain and simple

look at this DA”
“omg he looks so dumb

by idunnomeep April 19, 2019


A girls backside
Dat Ass

"Maaaaannnn, that chic has DA bruh"
"Her DA was blessed"

by TheRealTripleDoubleG February 18, 2016


Dick appointment

Marlie:"Girl, Mark hit me up last night and asked to hang out Saturday."
Marcy: "Omg! Girl you have a DA on Saturday. Turn up!"

by Sexdrug22 January 10, 2018


dick appointment

So you wana set up a DA for today .

by Twirly215 February 21, 2018


initials for the words "Dumb Ass"

kate: what's 9 + 10 ? 21

carly : no DA

by macy homlez February 27, 2016


Dick appointment

He was leaving soon so we set up a quick DA

by succubusgoddess November 23, 2019