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To deek out of a situation; to shy away or sneak away from something.

Also to fake a move.

"You wanna deek outta here?"
"The girl was comin' on to me, but I deeked out first chance I got."
"The security guard almost had me, but I managed to deek around him."

by das_boobs June 11, 2019


To look at something

Deek that mate

by Anonymousguy2000014 November 7, 2016


some random thing appears after every episode of the super mario bros super show.

person 1: come on now just like that!
some random child: DEEK

by Bruhman6942069 September 16, 2021


A person sharing many qualities with a geek, but less interested in academics and more in video games and anime.

Did you see those deeks playing smash bros in the cafeteria?

No, but I saw one with a totoro hat falling asleep in math yesterday

by dickcheney2016 December 15, 2015


She pulls lots of bitches that there’s none left. Shes hot as shit. We love Deeks 😘😻

Deeks can’t be used in a sentence as she’s an alpha

by Pro asshole November 10, 2022


Adolf Hitlers favorite dance move

Hitler is deeking again

by Leifegeta June 10, 2018


To have sexual intercourse in a public establishment. That is often very loud and very hard.

Me and my wife were deeking in school! We could not stop.

by Anonymous Frog February 7, 2024