The greatest existence in the observable universe.
The example set for perfection.
The Ultimum, the Absolute.
The King of Kings, the God of Gods.
What a wonderful person John is. I'd say he has about 1/18281772828372728 of Dimitris Nomiikos's excellence. That's a huge amount.
Dimitri Newls is a skinny lax and tennis player who is also very good at basketball. He is a HypeGod who will post a video on Snapchat of their one assist in a game.
Did that kid tell everyone to pull up to his JV basketball game on Instagram? He is for sure a Dimitri Noodles.
Person 1: “He’s always talking about his homeland”
Person 2: “Fr that’s just Dimitrious for ya”
Dimitry in Bulgarian is Dimitar. He's a smooth talker for sure and loves to be in great company who are on his level. Most people take his kindness for granted and previous girlfriends do not appreciate his kindness enough which has led him to put up a wall. Of all his friends, he will stand out the most because of how handsome he truly is. He is immature when insecure until he finds the right person. In a relationship, he can be 100% stubborn if challenged. Once you capture his heart and he realizes that you truly love him, he is a loyal partner for life. He is one of the few remaining gentleman's in the world as he will always insist on opening doors for you, holding your hand when you cross the street, even treating you to gifts if you really like something. He loves a good laugh and is a goof ball behind closed doors when it's just the two of you. He also loves deep intellectual conversations and will often want to sit down with you for hours talking about deep philosophical matters. He doesn't admit it, but he's quite sensitive and needs time to vent, even cry little, without being judged. Most men look up to him and most girls want to be with him. A true gentleman with a streak of stubbornness, he is a man worth standing by and taking the time to get to know, and one you can count on to love you back and be there when you need him the most. He is truly a prince.
I saw Dimitry once in a movie - until I met a Dimitar in real life years later and he became my very own prince charming.
To the love of my life, Dimitar, I am so blessed to have you in my life.
Dimitry in Bulgarian is Dimitar. He's a smooth talker for sure and loves to be in great company who are on his level. Most people take his kindness for granted and previous girlfriends do not appreciate his kindness enough which has led him to put up a wall. Of all his friends, he will stand out the most because of how handsome he truly is. He is immature when insecure until he finds the right person. In a relationship, he can be 100% stubborn if challenged. Once you capture his heart and he realizes that you truly love him, he is a loyal partner for life. He is one of the few remaining gentleman's in the world as he will always insist on opening doors for you, holding your hand when you cross the street, even treating you to gifts if you really like something. He loves a good laugh and is a goof ball behind closed doors when it's just the two of you. He also loves deep intellectual conversations and will often want to sit down with you for hours talking about deep philosophical matters. He doesn't admit it, but he's quite sensitive and needs time to vent, even cry little, without being judged. Most men look up to him and most girls want to be with him. A true gentleman with a streak of stubbornness - He is one of a kind.
What's was his name again? Dennis? Dimitry? No...I think it was Dimitar.
Fucking asshole, responsible for romans death in deal ending and works with mikhail faustin and some other asshole. In deal ending, dimitri betrays random dude and then niko kills him but in revenge ending dimitri and other guy are killed separately. Dimitri (deal ending only) hires hitman to kill niko at romans wedding but shoots roman instead accidentally. Niko fucking desecrates the hitmans dead corpse and then goes to kill dimitri and shit
Dimitri Rascalov: fuck u bro
Niko bellic: u killed roman so ima kill u motherfucker
Fucking asshole. Responsible for Roman Bellics death in gta iv. Betrayed niko once (twice if you pick deal ending) hes just a fucking naked mole rat. Just pick fucking revenge ending so you can kill this asshole sooner. And also save romans life.
Dimitri: ay fuck u stupid slavic dumbass get fucking betrayed loser hahahahaha
87 missions later…
Niko: fuck you Dimitri Rascalov
Dimiti: *dies*