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Downstairs alleyway

A women’s very tender juicy, scrumptious, wet, fishy environment near the lower side of their body. This alleyway is enjoyed by many men who are bold to enter it

Oh baby I can’t wait to enter downstairs alleyway.

by Fishymaster3000 December 28, 2022

upstairs downstairs shower

When you take a shower but only have time to soap up your armpits and underwear areas.

I was running late for work so I only had time for an upstairs downstairs shower.

by Whitetigr March 25, 2023

Downstairs Beanbag

When engaged in coitus the male pulls out then places his scrotum and testicles in his partners vagina.

Dan: its been really boring in the bedroom lately.
Kelly: well maybe we could try a downstairs Beanbag .

by Naughty Nikkii December 30, 2016

downstairs energy

Downstairs energy just means that something is better than something else. Like when you are at a party the energy is always better either on the first floor or the basement.

The guys that were smoking had downstairs energy compared to the guys who were drinking.

by ahahhahahahahahahahhahaha October 28, 2020

Showing The Man Downstairs Who’s Boss

A euphemism for jacking off. The man downstairs is referring to an individuals genitalia. By showing him who’s boss, you are beating him, aka beating off, aka jacking off.

Man, work has sucked today. I think I’m just gonna go home and end up showing the man downstairs who’s boss.

by WiltMichaels November 26, 2022

Two Neighbours Downstairs

Your Balls

I love my Two Neighbours Downstairs

by FakeC April 19, 2023


A way to describe a two-story house with stairs, so it has an upstairs and a downstairs. When you’re used to only living in a single story house, an upstairs means everything!

Did you hear Monica just bought a house? And it has an upstairs-downstairs!

by itsallaboutkey May 24, 2022